May 2, 2011


The end of the semester is coming so fast & I'm not sure I'm ready. I'm more than ready to be in Africa, (We'll see if I ever come back?!) but it's going to be a long summer with a lot of first and lasts I feel like.
My parent's are moving to Rison when my mom finishes her school year in the beginning of June. I grew up knowing that God was going to move my family around some because He had called my dad into the ministry, and that means He called us too. I won't even try to lie and say that it hasn't been hard to do through the years, but I can honestly say that Alma has been home for a long time and I am so thankful for that move. This one is so different though. Alma is my hometown and I still love it, but Russellville is home for now. I live here. I go to school here. If I work, it's here. I go to church here. Most of my closest friends are here. I love it. Butttttttt this whole move for my parents is becoming harder than I expected. I thought that them moving just meant I would go somewhere different to see them, but I'm slowly realizing, as Rison becomes a reality, that now it's going to be harder to see my best friends in Alma. It means leaving the little things like Braum's ice cream cones and swinging and picnics in the park (which may or may not have produced a few tears). It means not knowing the back roads and not running into people in Wal-Mart. It means not necessarily being around for the Hodo's Christmas lights in Van Buren or my favorite snow cone stand in Fort Smith. I am completely confident that my parents are going where they're supposed to, but I'm confused how that is supposed to make me feel. I know I'll still visit Alma and my friends and Jami there, but it changes it for me it seems like. It is so precious to me now! Weird. My parents are actually leaving Alma while I am in Africa and I have mixed feelings about missing the move. On one hand, I won't have to help or deal with the immediate "goodbyes," but on the other hand, they'll be gone when I get back and I won't get to stop and "let go" either. It has been the weirdest thing to me that I've been affected by it so much, but for some reason, it gets me a little every time I think about it. It doesn't make sense to anyone that it is upsetting me, or to me either for that matter, but it has made me more thankful than ever for the sweet friendships I love so much at home and the ones here that get me through when "home" shifts.
My parent's move leaves me staying in Hector for the summer and working at a snow cone stand in Atkins. I'm excited to for sure have a job, but I know it's going to be a long summer. It's my first summer completely away from home, and while I'm used to not being with my parents during the school year, all the free time of summer might be a little weird to not share with my mom. I haven't spent a summer without Chelsi, Betsy, Jessica, and Michael around in a couple of years and I know that will be different too, but I can honestly say I am rejoicing in the fact that I know this is all for His good. My grandpa's favorite verse in the world, although he could quote what seemed like half the Bible, was Romans 8:28. "And we know that all things work together for good to them who love God, and to them who are called according to His purpose." I've never been led to believe that the bad wasn't just as much a blessing, if not more, than the good, but it seems like I am constantly hearing this echoed around me in sermons, testimonies, and even short conversations with friends. Church this morning was about truly having a spirit of thankfulness through trials because hardships produce perseverance and faith. I know that this is seemingly insignificant in the grand scheme of things, a move that barely affects me, but it has honestly strengthened my faith and reliance on my sweet Jesus, so I WILL be thankful. I don't say all this to draw attention to the fact that I've been hurting, but to bring glory to my Jesus who trusts me enough to let me hurt to see Him more. He is so good. Love Love Love. 

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May 2, 2011


The end of the semester is coming so fast & I'm not sure I'm ready. I'm more than ready to be in Africa, (We'll see if I ever come back?!) but it's going to be a long summer with a lot of first and lasts I feel like.
My parent's are moving to Rison when my mom finishes her school year in the beginning of June. I grew up knowing that God was going to move my family around some because He had called my dad into the ministry, and that means He called us too. I won't even try to lie and say that it hasn't been hard to do through the years, but I can honestly say that Alma has been home for a long time and I am so thankful for that move. This one is so different though. Alma is my hometown and I still love it, but Russellville is home for now. I live here. I go to school here. If I work, it's here. I go to church here. Most of my closest friends are here. I love it. Butttttttt this whole move for my parents is becoming harder than I expected. I thought that them moving just meant I would go somewhere different to see them, but I'm slowly realizing, as Rison becomes a reality, that now it's going to be harder to see my best friends in Alma. It means leaving the little things like Braum's ice cream cones and swinging and picnics in the park (which may or may not have produced a few tears). It means not knowing the back roads and not running into people in Wal-Mart. It means not necessarily being around for the Hodo's Christmas lights in Van Buren or my favorite snow cone stand in Fort Smith. I am completely confident that my parents are going where they're supposed to, but I'm confused how that is supposed to make me feel. I know I'll still visit Alma and my friends and Jami there, but it changes it for me it seems like. It is so precious to me now! Weird. My parents are actually leaving Alma while I am in Africa and I have mixed feelings about missing the move. On one hand, I won't have to help or deal with the immediate "goodbyes," but on the other hand, they'll be gone when I get back and I won't get to stop and "let go" either. It has been the weirdest thing to me that I've been affected by it so much, but for some reason, it gets me a little every time I think about it. It doesn't make sense to anyone that it is upsetting me, or to me either for that matter, but it has made me more thankful than ever for the sweet friendships I love so much at home and the ones here that get me through when "home" shifts.
My parent's move leaves me staying in Hector for the summer and working at a snow cone stand in Atkins. I'm excited to for sure have a job, but I know it's going to be a long summer. It's my first summer completely away from home, and while I'm used to not being with my parents during the school year, all the free time of summer might be a little weird to not share with my mom. I haven't spent a summer without Chelsi, Betsy, Jessica, and Michael around in a couple of years and I know that will be different too, but I can honestly say I am rejoicing in the fact that I know this is all for His good. My grandpa's favorite verse in the world, although he could quote what seemed like half the Bible, was Romans 8:28. "And we know that all things work together for good to them who love God, and to them who are called according to His purpose." I've never been led to believe that the bad wasn't just as much a blessing, if not more, than the good, but it seems like I am constantly hearing this echoed around me in sermons, testimonies, and even short conversations with friends. Church this morning was about truly having a spirit of thankfulness through trials because hardships produce perseverance and faith. I know that this is seemingly insignificant in the grand scheme of things, a move that barely affects me, but it has honestly strengthened my faith and reliance on my sweet Jesus, so I WILL be thankful. I don't say all this to draw attention to the fact that I've been hurting, but to bring glory to my Jesus who trusts me enough to let me hurt to see Him more. He is so good. Love Love Love. 

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